Customs Officials

Customs officials are federal workers who are employed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (an arm of the Department of Homeland Security) to prevent terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the United States; enforce laws governing immigration and imports and exports; and to combat smuggling and revenue fraud. Customs and Border Protection generates revenue for the government by assessing and collecting duties and excise taxes on imported merchandise. Amid a whirl of international travel and commercial activity, customs off...
Quick Facts
Median Salary
Employment Prospects
Minimum Education Level
Personality Traits
Federal workers receive a salary based on pay grade, and those who join the CBP will start with a GS-5, GS-7, or GS-9 pay grade designation. Entry-level positions at GS-5 began at a base annual pay of $41,781 in 2024, and entry at GS-7 started at $47,562 per year. The GS-9 position had a base annual salary of $53,043 in 2024. Federal employees in certain cities receive locality pay in addition ...
Work Environment
The customs territory of the United States is divided into four regions, including the Southwest Land Border, the Northern Land Border, the Maritime Border, and Interior/Airports of Entries. In these regions there are some 328 official ports of entry along land and sea borders. Customs inspectors may be assigned to any of these ports or to overseas work at airports, seaports, waterfronts, borde...
Employment at CBP is steady work that isnt directly affected by changes in the economy but varies depending on government spending. With the increased emphasis on law enforcement, especially the deterrence of those who seek to enter the U.S. without permission and of terrorism, but also the detection of illegally imported drugs and the prevention of exports of sensitive high-technology items, e...