Shoe and sportswear retailer Foot Locker has roots stretching as far back as 1879, to Woolworth's department store. Foot Locker's motto is "more than sneakers," and it lives up to that goal: It is consistently rated a best place to work and puts a major focus on creating an inclusive environment for diverse employees.
Company Stats
Employer Type
Major Departments
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Major Brands
Shoes • Athletic Wear
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About the Company
Foot Locker’s success as a business and company really finds origins in its success as a brand. The company began as just a single brand of the F.W. Woolworth Company in 1974. Over the next 25 years, Foot Locker became the leading brand in the Woolworth Company. The well-established company had other sports and shoe brands like Champ Sports and made acquisitions like Eastbay in 1997, but Foot Locker proved most successful. Woolworth attempted to have several specialty stores in malls across America, but many of its ventures failed or fell into decline. Foot Locker stood apart as a cool, casual place to buy the best in sneakers.
Foot Locker became the company’s top-performing line in 2001, and the company decided to change its name to Foot Locker, Inc. Today, the company’s brands include its signature Foot Locker, Kids Foot Lo...